Oakleigh Occasional Care was established in 1979 and is a not for profit, community based organisation. We are a centre based registered childcare service that offers support to families by providing care on a sessional basis. The Monash Council owns our land and buildings.
Oakleigh Occasional Care gives parents the opportunity to take a break from the demands of parenting, to have some guilt free time away from the pressures of life as a parent/primary care giver. One of the benefits of Oakleigh Occasional Care is that children can be left in an early childhood learning environment to socialise and interact with other children. As a parent, you can leave your child at Oakleigh Occasional Care secure in the knowledge that they will be under the guidance and supervision of dedicated and qualified staff.
Structure & Staff
Oakleigh Occasional Care employs a qualified Childcare Coordinator whose role is to manage the centres on a day to day basis. The Coordinator is your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns about the programs that staff at your centre are unable to assist you with. The Coordinator oversees all staff, parents and children at each of our centres. The service also employs an Administrative Assistant who manages fees, book keeping and all financial matters.
At each of our 2 centres locations, programs are managed and delivered by Qualified Early Childhood Leader and experienced carers. Every session of care has a Qualified Program Leader and at least one Program Assistant. They design specific programs which are challenging to the mix of children attending their centre. These programs focus on activities which will support the educational needs of children of different age groups, and consider the social, emotional and physical needs at their various stages of development.
Our Philosophy
- To provide affordable occasional care for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.
- To provide respite care for families who live, work or study within the City of Monash.
- The aim of the centres is to provide a safe, secure and comfortable environment where all children will be accepted for their unique selves with no discrimination of race, gender, class, religion or uniqueness.
- We affirm that the children, parents and staff of the centres have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
- Children deserve and have the right to consistent high-level quality care and education within our children’s centres.
- The environment should invite, welcome and include all, and actively facilitate access to all.
- We believe that family involvement and support is essential for the operation guidelines of C0-operative Association rules and the operation of high quality services.
- To advertise the services within other community organisations within the City of Monash to ensure families are informed of respite care available.